How can you become a HubsAdda contributor?
To become a contributor at HubsAdda, follow our terms & conditions for submitting guest posts, If you follow our terms & conditions, then we assure you that your article will be published as soon as possible.
General Guidelines:
- Write quality content that is solely focused on the readers.
- Write content (How to, Best, Top, Alternative, Comparison)
- The article must be targeted to any keyword.
- Before writing any article first search inside
Here are the categories that we accept articles.
In a single word, we accept articles only in tech categories. Check the most popular categories.
- How to,
- WordPress,
- Blogging tips,
- Affiliate Marketing,
- Digital Marketing,
- Blogging tools,
- Any Tech Topic,
Some things you must remember before submitting your guest post:
- Article quality: Articles must be a minimum of 1000 words and must cover the focused topic in detail.
- Credit: In HubsAdda feel free to give credit to the appropriate owner.
- Copyright: If we find out that you have copied a post anywhere on the internet, Your post is immediately removed from
- All guest posts are published via this author.
- Editorial charges: Editorial charges apply to every article.
- After successfully publishing the article we never remove the article if the writer also requests.
- After submitting the article if the author resubmits the same article to other websites then we’ll remove the article from
Why need payment for article?
Please note there is a processing fee associated with guest processing that goes towards covering editorial and hosting fees.
Make sure you read complete guidelines carefully before submitting any article 🙂
Contact me about a guest post queries send an email to support[at]hubsadda[dot]com or go to the contact us page and type your queries.