Last updated on May 8th, 2020 by Rahul Kumar Singh
Yes, Bluestacks is completely safe. 370+ million users trust and use Bluestacks for pc gaming. Wait, if you want to know more about Bluestacks and their security.
Did you know Bluestacks is 6x faster than Samsung Galaxy S9+
Bluestacks comes with android 7.1.2 (nougat) that is the newest android version for the emulator.
Using bluestacks you can easily play PUBG mobile in PC without lag issue if you have enough RAM.

- What is Bluestacks?
- What is BlueStacks 4?
- How safe is Bluestacks?
- Which Security Patch Used By Bluestacks?
- Where is it safe to download Bluestacks from?
- How safe is your Google Account with Bluestacks?
- How does Bluestacks work?
- Can I run BlueStacks on 1GB RAM?
- What is the minimum specification to run Bluestacks?
- What is the Recommended Specification to run Bluestacks?
- Conclusion:
What is Bluestacks?
Bluestacks is an Emulator, that helps you to run your favorite android apps on windows and macOS. Bluestacks is faster than your android phone but it needs more RAM to run properly, if your PC specs are too good then you love the speed of Bluestacks.
What is BlueStacks 4?
Bluestacks 4 is the latest version of Bluestacks Emulator, it comes with many amazing features for example – lower memory usage, lower CPU usage, and Bluestacks 4Β also improved gaming performance.
How safe is Bluestacks?
Bluestacks is 100% safe because of Bluestacks in simple android apps runner similar to Android Studio app runner, there is no unwanted script that harms your computer. Sometimes your computer slows down but it happens only in a low specs device.
Which Security Patch Used By Bluestacks?
Bluestacks use Samsung and their own security patch that helps you to protect from hackers, you all need to update Bluestacks from time to time.
Where is it safe to download Bluestacks from?
You can download Bluestacks from their official website, It’s 100% safe to download and when you started installing then it downloads the full app from Bluestacks server.
How safe is your Google Account with Bluestacks?
Bluestacks does not ask you to give particular access in google account, It is logged in to Android OS same as your android mobile device OS. So your google account is 100% secure.
How does Bluestacks work?
On simple word Bluestacks works on the android virtual machine, it has some emulator files to allow ARM-instruction set to run on Intel/AMD-instruction set chips.
Can I run BlueStacks on 1GB RAM?
No, It does not run on 1GB RAM, because it needs a minimum of 2 GB RAM to run smoother in your PC.
What is the minimum specification to run Bluestacks?
Here is the minimum requirement to run Bluestacks on PC:
- OS: MicrosoftΒ Windows 7 and above.
- Processor:Β Intel or AMD Processor.
- RAM:Β Your PC must have at least 2GB of RAM. (Note that having 2GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)
- HDD: 5GB Free Disk Space.
- Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
- You must be an Administrator on your PC.Β
What is the Recommended Specification to run Bluestacks?
Here is the recommended specification to run Bluestacks smoothly on your computer:
- OS: Microsoft Windows 10
- Processor:Β Intel or AMD Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score > 1000 and virtualization extensions enabled in the BIOS.
- Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score >= 750.
- RAM: 8GB or higher
- Internet: Broadband connection to access games, accounts, and related content.
- Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
Bluestacks uses Android 7.1.2 and the security Patch is also updating from time to time.
According to my experience in emulator Bluestacks is completely safe π
Yes, Bluestacks is safe as per 370+ million users.
Bluestacks is 100% safe for Windows and macOS PC π
I had a lot of issues with the previous version on my MAC. but recently it works wonders.
I work a lot with social media and running these apps on my laptop is a lifesaver π
thanks i am regular reader of Hubsadda its really helping me. I Learn a Lot of Form Hubsadda. Thanks for sharing such information
Great π
thanks for guide, and i understood everything with your guidance.
Glad you like it π